Cowboy Boot Whore
Ok, I will admit it! I’m a boot whore! But, really, if you were going to be a whore, what better kind?
I do love the Corral boots. I own this one, black with inlay butterfly in turquoise, red, yellow. Yummy to my soul! Well, I happen to find some matching boots on my adventures around the world. I brought them home, hugged them, kissed them, and tucked them in their box.
Last week, I realized it was time to create a bold, yet shameless matching cowboy boot purse for my but kicking, fun loving Corral boots. So I bravely, boldly yet with considerable intrepedition, pulled out my razor cutter and carefully placed it on the boot. The first cut is the painful part. Then, there’s no turning back.
It’s hard to express the enchanting delight of spunky cowboy boots and matching bag. Wanna give it a ride? Let me know and I’ll tell you how.

Zig Zag in Red
Well, by popular demand, here is the red zig zag cowboy boot purse! My lovely friend and fan of cowboy boots, happened to be taking a stoll through my shop and spotted a red purse that sang the words to every Elvis Presley song she ever loved, straight to her heart! Dramatic?
Yes! But that happens sometimes. She grabbed them, hugged them and wrote me a check! Thank you, Char! I love you and your money, honey.
I’ve taken some creative yet whimsical creative liberties in my shop recently, creating the zippy zig zag in red and the fearless black lady biker spider bag! It’s amazing the boots you can find. I think that’s the number one question people ask me. “Where do you find all these boots?” Well, it’s a journey. In unusual places sometimes, sometimes in the wide open spaces. Estate sales, garage sales, horse shows, rodeos. Sometimes in little country junk stores off the beaten path. Traveling in Mexico, we ditched the common tourist street offerings and ventured in the alleys. All went well, and now you will get to see what I’ve done with those adventures. I used industrial gear bezels on the top with red crystals, horse reins for the handles and added red crystals on the spider just for kicks! If you want to see more pictures, check out my Hall of Fame page.
I love buying the boots straight off the cowboy! I love to hear confessions of where the boots have been and the personal accounts of being thrown from the back of a bucking bull at the Houston Livestock show back in ’88. (That guy had to break his back 3 times before he realized he needed to find another form of entertainment. His boots turned into an awesome bag, though, once I got all the bull shit cleaned off!)
Well, if you would like me to make a purse from your boots and listen to your bull… uh, story about your boots, just give me a holler or fill out the custom order form and let me know the boots are on the way.
Ziggy Spider Webs and Cowboy Boots!