Life Changes and so Do the Boots

Just when I thought I’d hit the high road and I finally know the direction should go…. the weather changes.  Whirlwinds and big, fat snowflakes redirect my life – my perspective, and give me eyes to see a different, more rewarding path.  I recently worked on a particularly challenging project, thanks to Tim Kelly.  He sent me some old, rough boots to make into a purse for his sweet sister, Pam.  The leather was stiff, folded in funny ways, and oh, those zippers!  Big, thick, cranky zippers.  They were determined to do whatever they wanted.   

But I felt a deep inspiration to work with these old Military boots and help them to realize they now had a new, meaningful mission to carry out.  You see, Tim’s dad was a Major in the Air Force and flew the B-58 Hustler (which only had one purpose – to fly twice the speed of sound and carry a Nuclear Bomb).  I understand the planes are as unpredictable as a wild mustang.  The boots had walked on foreign soil, flew countless missions and walked a path of determination and devotion to our country. 

I worked with the boots, stubborn and unforgiving; they did not like the idea of a “purse”.  Ok then, I decided I’d call them a “bag”! So much more bold and brave.  They softened up a bit, but those stinkin’ zippers were not so cooperative.  I tried a dozen ways to get them to compromise.  Finally, I convinced them to lie quietly, tucked inside the lining, promising them a wonderful adventure about to unfurl.  The dog tags of this uncompromising veteran hang on the laces, as is customary for men at war. The Air Force Major pins are proudly displayed on each side of the bag.   I know the legacy of this Air Force Major, and father, will never be forgotten. As Pam touches the leather, now a little softer, a new perspective and a new mission will carry on.

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