Hand Crafted Leather Bags
Oh the love of the hand crafted. Made from just a thought inside my head. Translated into paper then onto leather. Mostly it involves finding a rustic, well used pair of cowboy boots. Then the search for the perfect horse tack. I love the bag I made today.
That leather horse rein, oh just the thought of it being used for many years on a horse with a big heart for cattle. Working hard, never ceasing to amaze at it’s natural instinct to know where that silly cow was gonna go next. The thought of the rider using that horse rein to communicate, and work together to accomplish a task, a goal or maybe an occasional ride through the woods to the cool waters of the lake. Of no use to anyone at this point because there is only one rein. Scarred, sweat stained and certainly knowledgeable about the ways of a horse. I had to scrub and clean using my finest cleaners and techniques to restore this horse rein to is glory days. It still shows the scars, and you can feel the determination of a trainer, but now it will perfectly live forever as the handle to carry this glorious hand crafted leather purse.
I hope she finds the perfect home of a cowgirl with a big heart for the well used, but not used up. Aren’t we all a little like that? #livelifeonpurpose