Tall Trees, Smooth Breeze and Laughter

It was a beautiful week end in Pinetop Arizona. The forest smiled upon us, uninterrupted by any rain, only the slight movement of a breeze or red flicker babies, hustling over some grub mom just flew in with.
The smell of leather was in the air. It always makes me smile.
I enjoyed the conversations about creativity, recycling and the passion an artist has for all things “artsy”. Don’t you? What’s your passionate art?
I am so grateful my craft was well appreciated by the locals stopping by to find treasures and the visitors purching something special for their friends “back home”. I so happy for some of the bags that will go horse back riding, or on the iron horse, or even on a bike. Oh the adventures they are about to have. I hope all the bag have a story to tell in the end. That others will realize they once were a boot, in a stirrup, in the harsh weather of north dakota, rounding up non conforming cattle that went astray. Worn out and no good future in site, I’m so glad I could rescue them and let them know their life is not over. There is still value in their souls. There is still more that can be done to do bring out the best in them. hmmmm…. that sounds a little like me……. My husband reminds me oftern, there’s so much more sunshine ahead. Just keep showing gratitude for every. single. good. day. Every good laugh. Every kind word. The smiles. The tears. The encouragement. It’s all so good. God is good and He knows what’s up ahead. Keep it up. One foot in front of the other. You got this!